Unlocking hidden value
This blog presents a snapshot of a research programme undertaken over the Summer of 2016 that looked into the relationship between the Architects desire to create beautiful buildings and the property developers brief to maximise investments. The programme was punctuated by a series of events and publications which included dialogue and input from our clients, consultants and partners.
As a design led office with a broad portfolio of successful projects we have proved that adding design quality to a project increases the value of a development.
The text and images in the blog below were part of a publication in the form of a mapfold titled Unlocking Hidden Value. Copies of the original A2 sized document can be downloaded from HERE

London is made up of a grid of unique plots that are repeatedly reconfigured and redeveloped — that is healthy urban regeneration. Each plot requires rigorous investigation in order to exploit the specific characteristics/constraints of the site.
Good design involves a detailed analysis of existing structures, immediate boundary issues, physical relationships, infrastructure and planning policy. A detailed understanding of locality in its widest sense is considered when seeking an ideal development scenario.
Adding value through a crafted design approach that will excite and win support locally and nationally, attracts prospective users and appeals to investors.

As the city expands and develops, many building typologies can be imaginatively and economically adapted to new uses and occupancy.
Working in and around redundant buildings and derelict structures presents a valuable opportunity to embrace their historic structures and elements. They can be bolted on to sensitively; equally they can be slotted into or extended within the context of well-crafted new buildings. Access and circulation routes are reimagined, lightwells inserted, basements excavated, galleried storeys introduced.

We believe that carefully considered design creates the highest quality buildings and achieves the maximum value for the site. Optimising development potential through our designs challenges the idea that the best returns are gained through maximising the number of apartments or squeezing the last square foot out of an office or retail unit. Working with private clients, developers and landowners, we bring these values to our projects, making each of them unique.