We Champion Modern Methods of Construction
MMC can be used by Architects to create unique buildings that are efficient and

The DAK MMC Ideal House Type
The DAK House is a MMC Off site factory built home.

Design is King
A building must not just look right, it must feel right. It must be right.

Time to turn the tide on Noddy houses
We challenge the typical housing typology offered by many house builders today.

Sustainability in our DNA
At Douglas and King we champion sustainability in all of our developments, we work to set the standard and leave a positive future for all.

Transforming construction in the digital age
How modern methods of construction minimise on-site activity and cost.

Teamwork makes the dream work
Leadership and coordination are the key drivers to a successful project delivery.

Humane Housing with a mix of Social and Market Yield
Lets Share the Vision

Affordable Housing – An Update for Residential Developers
How many and how much?

A step change in tackling the housing crisis
Mayor, Sadiq Khan, wants every Londoner to have access to a good quality home.

Anomalies in the urban grain redact the housing shortage
Increasing London's housing density without increasing population density.

Sustaining the traditional matrix of our cities
Fine grain urban fabric is like a finely woven material that is comfortable to wear or linger in.

Creating inclusive communities and neighbourhoods
How to nurture the elusive spirit that binds rather than separates.

Garden grabbing policy dropped in revised London Plan
An abundance of private residential gardens ripe for development.

Multiplying the Residential Model
Designing the domestic environment draws on common threads. There are many options and possibilities to be considered.

Practice News – Instagram Feed
Our Regularly Updated Instagram Feed

Practice News 2018
For many years Douglas and King have been promoting the development of left over and backland sites, particularly between large gardens.

Much of our green belt land isn’t actually green
And no longer needed to stop the spread of plague.

DAK Culture – A Life in the Day of an Architect
A huge amount of material is produced in the daily life of an Architectural Practice.

DAK Culture – Spin Off Projects
The Design Team at Douglas and King are continuously engaged with ‘spin off’ project.

DAK Core Values
We don’t want to have to fight for beautiful architectural design. Or feel the need to champion quality and cheer-on the unique.